How Long Should a Blog Post Be? (And Why It Matters)

Colleen Welsch
7 min readDec 23, 2020
Person sitting at bright desk with candle and green plants while typing on laptop next to notebook and pencil
Image credit: Unsplash

In my work as a beauty copywriter, I offer blog management packages to clients based on length. Oftentimes when I am pitching to prospective clients who are new to the world of content marketing, they ask me, “How long should a blog post be?”

Well, that depends. There is no one-size-fits-all magic answer.

Sorry, dude.

Different blog post lengths can produce different results, so it really depends on your client’s goals.

But don’t despair! I do have some general guidelines on the ideal blog post length so you can pitch blog posts that will drive results for your clients (and put some cash in your pockets).

So if you’re wondering how long should a blog post be, keep reading!

What is the Ideal Blog Post Length?

Several years ago (basically BC in terms of the internet), SEO experts established 300 words as the minimum blog post length in order for a blog post to appear in Google search results.

Now those same SEO experts say that blog posts should be at least 1000 words. Hubspot even claims that the best ranking blog posts are somewhere between 2250 and 2500 words!

It’s true that Google does prefer long posts, but only if they are well-written and relevant.

And if you think about it, that does make sense. If you are really interested in learning about a subject like “how to write better”, wouldn’t you rather read 2500 words on the subject rather than 300?

I know I would.

On the other hand, you don’t want to ramble on for thousands of words with little or no consideration for the relevancy of your post. You gotta stick to the topic, or Google will penalize you.

For example, don’t write a post about “Cold Pitching for Freelance Writers” and then go off on a tangent about your trip to the Canary Islands (side note: read about my trip to the Canary Islands!). While you may have had a great time in Las Palmas, writing about subjects that don’t pertain to your targeted keyword will not help your blog post’s ranking.

How do you get high-ranking websites to your link to your blog post? The answer is to consistently write high-quality content that your readers love and want to share.

Furthermore, don’t use keyword stuffing to artificially extend the length of your blog post.

What’s keyword stuffing? It’s basically when you use your chosen keyword (like, ahem, “How Long Should a Blog Post Be?”) over and over again in a way that doesn’t seem natural. Google hates this. Believe it or not, Google is smart enough to know when you’re cheating. Keyword stuffing also looks spammy to readers, so I recommend that you avoid this method at all costs.

So, how does Google know when a post is both long and high quality? That’s all based on how many relevant and related keywords appear in the blog post, and how often high-ranking websites link to your blog post.

And I know your next question: how do you get high-ranking websites to link to your blog post?

The answer is to consistently write high-quality content that your readers love and want to share. Sorry, there’s no shortcut! You have to put in the work to get results. But that’s why you’re a freelance writer, right?

Apple computer on wooden desk surrounded by plants
When it comes to ranking higher on Google, the key is writing high-quality content that your readers love and want to share. Image credit: Unsplash

The Magic Formula for Finding Your Ideal Blog Post Length

Well, now that we’ve got all that background out of the way, you’re probably still like, “But how long should a blog post?”

Chill, son. I’ll tell you.

All you have to do is follow this simple formula. Search for your chosen keyword on the topic and click on the first search result. Copy and paste the article into a blank Google doc. In the toolbar, click on “Tools” and then “Word Count”.

How many words are in this blog post? Your blog post should be several hundred words longer.

For example, if your chosen topic is “Content Calendar Google Sheets” and the top-ranking blog post is 2000 words long, your ideal blog post length will be more like 2200 words.

Person in blazer with gold watch typing on laptop
Competitive benchmarking can help you decide the ideal blog post length for your own content. Image credit: Unsplash

How Long Should a Blog Post Be for More Readers?

Now you may be saying to yourself, “Um, excuse me though. People have short attention spans these days. Nobody READS anymore!”

Rookie mistake, bud!

Let me introduce you to the Pareto Principle AKA the 80/20 Rule.

While it’s true that only 10–20% of readers might actually read your entire blog post, those readers will become your client’s loyal fans and generate 80% of their sales.

Way back in the 19th century, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto noticed that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. He then realized that this 80/20 distribution applied to many other aspects of economics and business. For example, it’s said that 80% of a business’s sales come from 20% of its customers.

So what does that have to do with how long a blog post should be?

While it’s true that only 10–20% of readers might actually read your entire blog post, those readers will become your client’s loyal fans and generate 80% of their sales. Give those people what they want through thoughtful, well-written content, and forget the masses.

Trust me, following through with this strategy will produce sales.

Don’t believe me? Longer posts are the wave of the future, my friend.

Cup of coffee sitting next to open laptop on marble countertop
Don’t worry about making your writing appeal to the masses. Instead, focus on the 10–20% of your readers who will read the entire blog post. Those are the people you need to focus on! Image credit: Unsplash

According to Coschedule, 12% fewer bloggers wrote posts of 500 words or less in 2017 compared to 2014, and 6 times as many bloggers wrote 2000+ word posts for the same time period! And you can bet that trend will continue on.

But if a blog writer hits publish and it doesn’t rank in Google, did they really hit publish at all? Translation: no one will read your blog at all if it doesn’t appeal to Google first. So, write those long, relevant blog posts and get that dope search ranking!

Now, I’m not suggesting that you write blog posts with Dickensian walls of text.

Even if your blog posts are long, you should write them so that they’re easy to read and skim. A few pointers on that topic:

  • Keep paragraphs short and succinct.
  • Use bullet points and numbered lists whenever possible.
  • Break up the text by using italics and bold typefaces.
  • Add plenty of high-quality images (with relevant alt tags!).
  • Write captions for each image.
  • Use headings that summarize the main points of the article.

Further reading: How to Write Better Blog Posts (so people will actually want to read them, regardless of length).

woman wearing sweater and jeans with laptop on her lap while sitting on couch
People be skimming. Make your blog posts easy to skim so readers can easily grasp what you’re writing about. Image credit: Unsplash

How Long Should a Blog Post Be for More Comments?

What if your client doesn’t have a big budget for blog posts? Shorter blog posts (think 300 words) can still have a positive result because shorter blog posts tend to generate more comments.

You can use short blog posts to ask your client’s readers a question and generate discussion. You can then use these posts to listen in on the needs and desires of their customers, so you can further tailor your blog posts to suit them.

However, short posts aren’t very shareable, and they certainly aren’t likely to rank well in search engines.

So while there is some value in generating discussion on your client’s blog, I recommend that you write fewer, longer posts for clients rather than more frequent short posts.

woman sits on step outside of door with laptop on her lap
While shorter blog posts tend to generate more discussion, longer blog posts are more shareable and tend to rank better in search engines. Image credit: Unsplash

What is the Ideal Blog Post Length?

If you’re looking for the TL;DR on ideal blog post lengths, here it is. These are the most common blog post lengths and the sort of results you can expect from them:

300 words or less — These short blog posts can increase engagement by generating discussion. Use them to learn more about your client’s audience, but avoid them if your client hasn’t built an audience yet.

300 words to 1000 words — This is the typical blog post length, which is great for readability and social shares. However, they are usually not long enough to generate decent search engine traffic.

1000+ words — If you want search engine traffic, you’ll want to write blog posts that are 1000 words or more. Write relevant, authoritative posts on topics that people are actually searching for, and you’ll see a nice boost in traffic.

Well, I hope that answers your question on how long a blog post should be! If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on Instagram.

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This post was originally published at



Colleen Welsch

Hi, I’m Colleen! I help new and experienced freelance writers get to the next level in their business. Want to know more? Check out